Welcome to Conscious Chemo, inspiring you towards empowerment!

Get accessible and empowering information for your cancer journey via videos & blogs on this site.


Watch the welcome video opposite to find out how Clare (and this site) can help you as you navigate your cancer journey and beyond!

My year on chemo!

Apart from the 4/5 emotional meltdowns, the inevitable shock & overwhelm at the start and the uncertainty around a few side affects this montage is a pretty accurate reflection of my year on cancer treatment for a stage 3, triple positive breast cancer.

PLEASE click to watch!

My Story

Find out more about my Stage 3, HER2+, Oestrogen+ and Progesterone+ breast cancer story and what led me to create Conscious Chemo, a site dedicated to inspiring and empowering you to create your own story when faced with a cancer diagnosis.


Videos and articles to help you navigate your cancer journey

Providing positive, practical suggestions to guide you from diagnosis through your treatment & beyond.

‘There are a multitude of steps we can take to support and heal our bodies, minds and beings as we navigate a cancer diagnosis.

No matter what, the power lies within you to create your own story …… and I really hope this site inspires you to create a best seller!’


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