Support & Community

When we have the right people around us, we can feel lifted and supported. From providing practical support with food, work and family, to cheering us up when we feel blue, accepting help graciously is a big part of your healing journey. Below you will find some ideas of how other people might be able to support you, navigating boundaries, and how you are able to give back to promote your own healing. I have also recorded a video on how you might support somebody going through their cancer journey, based on personal experience.

  • Giving and Receiving Support from your community.

    Accepting offers of help whilst sticking to your own boundaries can be tricky to navigate. You can find some ideas here about how to do this along with other ways your community can help you practically and emotionally. Receiving help and support feeds our natural cycle of giving and receiving, and may enable you to give back to your community later on in a way that supports your own healing.

  • Supporting someone navigating cancer.

    In this section I share some helpful tips, reflections and suggestions for supporting someone navigating a cancer diagnosis.