Diagnosis & Treatment

The diagnosis and treatment journey can feel very shocking and overwhelming to say the least. Emotional well being is SO important as it influences how you feel physically, mentally and within yourself. Getting the right support with this may make all the difference to the way you cope during your cancer treatment.

I have put together a multitude of resources and support for each stage of the journey which include tips for how to overcome fear, prepare physically and mentally for treatment, and find your balance at a time when self-love is completely necessary.

  • First Appointment.

    Preparing for your first appointment after referral - I shares some thoughts and a meditation to help you stay in the present moment and to help you find your centre when you may feel understandably worried.

  • Waiting for results.

    I share practical things I did to help me prepare for test results, as well as a meditation which I found incredibly helpful and enabled me to stay pretty balance and be more calm when I was given my results.

  • Chemotherapy.

    All about how I prepared for chemotherapy and what I did to support my body, mind & being during treatment. This section includes preparing for chemo, dealing with hair loss, managing side affects naturally, pre & post treatment meditations, highlights and lowlights, my positive side affects & lots more!

  • Radiotherapy.

    Preparing for and undergoing radiotherapy treatment - what I did to support myself, making treatment decisions, pre & post treatment meditations, I didn’t get any notable side affects!

  • Pre-operation.

    Preparing for your op - planning support, overall health and wellbeing, and a great meditation to do prior to your op.

  • Post-operation.

    Our post-op page includes post op breast cancer classes, videos and information on post-op meditation, sleep, getting comfortable and specific advice for drains following axillary lymph node clearance.

  • Targeted Immunotherapy Drugs.

    Understanding side affect lists: I didn’t get any notable side affects to Trastuzumab, Pertuzumab or Kadcyla; canula’s & veins, my heart function IMPROVED whilst I was on Herceptin!

  • Tamoxifen.

    Tamoxifen receives a lot of bad press for the side affects it often causes. At the time of writing I have been taking it for 5 months and haven’t noticed any side affects (I was already getting hot flushes from my high dose chemo). I believe the nutritional change I have made, the emotional healing I have done, meditation, yoga, mind set and connecting to my deeper self have all played a part in this.