
Your mindset is arguably the most powerful tool you have when it comes to navigating a cancer journey or any challenging life situation. There is an inextricable relationship between the mind, body and emotions which affects how you feel. And how you feel influences your well-being.

And the good new is, you can train your mind! Below you can find information about accessible meditations; the significance of language; ways to manage stress, how spirituality may be helpful; how to make decisions from your own alignment and truth, and the power of your thoughts in feeding emotional balance, peace and an overall sense of joy!

  • Meditation & Breath.

    Calm mind = calm breath = calm body. Meditation can be a very powerful tool to heal, ground, centre, trust, and tune in when navigating any major life event. I have recorded some simple guided meditations and visualisations that have helped me and I hope they help you too!

  • Language.

    Language can affect the experience that you have and the way you feel. Being able to recognise unhelpful language is very liberating as it then gives you the power to choose what you hold on to and what you let go of.

  • Reducing Stress.

    Stress is key when it comes to physical and emotional health. Exercise, community, yoga, meditation, and nutrition can all contribute to reducing your stress levels as well as factors such as putting in boundaries, listening to your body, observing your mind and self care practices.

  • Faith & Spirituality.

    I share numerous ways that I have tapped into my spirituality to help guide me through my cancer journey. A great deal of trust, comfort and empowerment can come from the realisation that you are more than your physical bodies. I share a meditation which invites you to tune into your inner beings so that you may experience this deeper connection to yourself.

  • Power of Mind.

    When you practice mind training, you learn to be more present and this brings more emotional balance which can improve physical well-being & feelings of positivity. This is why meditation and breath practices are so helpful and why emotional healing is so key. I share reflections, meditation practices and therapies I have found helpful during my emotional healing journey.

  • Living Your Truth.

    You can only really live your full truth when you are able to connect with the deepest part of your-self. This is healing, liberating, empowering and brings with it feelings of joy and bliss no matter what your external circumstances. I share reflections and meditations to help you access this deeper part of yourself …… so you can fully experience that the power lies within you!