
Every food has different effects on the body, which can be both beneficial or harmful. You can find out more about foods here that are anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and nutritionally dense, along with some ideas of which foods you might like to avoid.

Some simple switches I made to enhance my nutritional intake following my diagnosis ..... dream to be clean! It makes a HUGE difference to the way you think & feel!

Being open to change, allowing things to unfold, ways to manage stress, improve health, maintain balance, making changes slowly, following your inner guide, nutrition, de-toxing and the importance of feeling good, enjoying yourself and positive emotions.

I share some of the main nutritional changes I made since discovering my diagnosis and how I have eliminated stress from her life following many challenging life situations.

Listening to your body each round and learning from it for the next round - positive actions and positive mindset, empowerment, letting things unfold, staying present

Here I talk about sugar, added sugar, intrinsic sugar, alternatives to added sugar and sugar free sweet treats

Sugar is well known to cause an inflammatory response in the body which is why it is often referred to as being 'cancer promoting'. Since omitting all added sugar from my diet, (as well as white bread, pasta, crisps and processed foods), and increasing plant based, whole foods & turmeric, my energy levels significantly increased, my skin improved and the knee and shoulder pain I had disappeared.

This indicates to me that my body was under stress and inflamed prior to my cancer diagnosis and that following an anti inflammatory diet helped my body to find balance leading up to and during my Chemotherapy. Whether or not this change in diet directly affected the outcome of the treatment (and there are scientific studies concluding that it can), there is no doubt it increased my sense of well-being and overall health during Chemo, helped me to minimise side affects, and had a positive affect on the immune system at a time when the immune system is being compromised by the Chemotherapy. In addition, I also believe that an anti inflammatory diet and lifestyle will help to reduce the chances of the cancer returning and well as reduce the risk of other dis-eases and health conditions.