Meditation & Breath

Calm mind = calm breath = calm body. Meditation can be a very powerful tool to heal, ground, centre, trust, and tune in when navigating any major life event. I have recorded some simple guided meditations and visualisations that have helped me and I hope they help you too!


Meditation Tips for Beginners!

Here I share the benefits of meditation, tips on taming the mind and meditating for inner peace.


Use this short yet powerful meditation practice to reduce stress, calm the mind, and facilitate a functional breath pattern. Great if you are feeling apprehensive pre treatment or operation, waiting for results, or anytime you may be feeling anxious or fearful. (7 minutes)

Studies have shown that breathing to a ratio of 6:6 x 5 times per minute may help to regulate the nervous system, blood pressure, heart rate and hormones, especially when practiced for 20 minutes per day. Once this 10 minute version feels easeful, then progress to the 20 minute practice.

This practice may help to bring balance to the body and mind, aiding a feeling of calm and peace. (22 minutes)

Start with the 10 minute practice first, then progress to 20 minutes. For optimum health benefits, you may practice this daily. (13 minutes)

Short practice, suitable for all, to help focus the mind, re-centre and bring you back to presence. Can be done anytime, anywhere .... in the car, waiting room, in bed, lying, sitting, against a wall ...... notice how much calmer you may feel in less than 7 minutes! (6 minutes)

Meditation to delve deeper into who you really are, which often helps to alleviate fear arising from physical ailments as awareness is increased that we are a LOT more than our physical bodies! (16 minutes)

Here I share the meditation practice I did before each round of chemotherapy. It may also be used before radiotherapy. (8 minutes)

Here I share the meditation I did post chemo, which you could also do post radiotherapy. (4 minutes)