
Find videos below to support you post-operatively, including seated, standing and wall supported exercises, and other tips and tricks you might find helpful.

Tips on having a drain after lymph node clearance

Video: Getting comfortable after surgery - using breath and positions to manage discomfort

I was diagnosed on 2nd September, 2020, however, I decided to only tell a select few friends / family as I went through my high dose chemotherapy which I had first. This was so I could preserve my energy, avoid projections, maintain a positive mind and focus on healing during this time. I am really pleased I took this decision.

Encouraged by my daughter, I recorded this for my Facebook friends on 4th February, 2021, 2 days after my operation. It was completely off the cuff, unrehearsed and in it, I speak about 'surrender' as being key to the way I had navigated my diagnosis to date. It was the perfect timing to 'come out of the cancer closet' as I had lots of lovely calls and messages as I was recovering from my operation!