
Preparing for and undergoing radiotherapy treatment - what I did to support myself, making treatment decisions, pre & post treatment meditations, I didn’t get any notable side affects!

I share my reasons for deciding to have radiotherapy and opting for a shorter but more intense course, to which my Oncologist fully supported (she knew me well by then)!!! I also talk about the things I did to support my body before, during and afterwards. I didn't get any notable side affects and my energy levels remained the same, even though I was told I 'definitely' would be tired and the area would go red!


Here I share the meditation practice I did before each round of chemotherapy. It may also be used before radiotherapy.

A quick round up at the end of May 2021, after a month that included chemo and immunotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as lots of wonderful experiences throughout the month. I reflect on jogging, exercise, nature, supplements and tapping into the universal energy of love.

Studies have shown that breathing to a ratio of 6:6 x 5 times per minute may help to regulate the nervous system, blood pressure, heart rate and hormones, especially when practiced for 20 minutes per day. Once this 10 minute version feels easeful, then progress to the 20 minute practice.

This practice may help to bring balance to the body and mind, aiding a feeling of calm and peace and helping sleep.


Here I share the meditation I did post chemo, which you could also do post radiotherapy.

Start with the 10 minute 6:6 balance practice first, then progress to this 20 minute practice. Great for calming the mind and body to help with sleep and re-setting bodily systems. For optimum health benefits, you may practice this daily.


I didn't get any side notable affects during radiotherapy (and I was also on a chemotherapy drug called Kadcyla at the same time). I share some lifestyle tips that I feel helped and the importance of being mindful about what information you are taking on board .......