Power of the Mind

When you practice mind training, you learn to be more present and this brings more emotional balance which can improve physical well-being and feelings of positivity. This is why meditation and breath practices are so helpful and why emotional healing is so key. I share reflections, meditation practices and therapies I have found helpful during my emotional healing journey.

Meditation and Mindfulness


Here I share a visualisation I did repeatedly as I navigated a stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis and still do! After all ...... all you need is LOVE! Please note, this is not a suggested ALTERNATIVE to any treatment you are on .... it's a complimentary practice that may generate feelings of well being and positivity which supports well-being.


Listening to your body each round and learning from it for the next round - positive actions and positive mindset, empowerment, letting things unfold, staying present.

I reflect on a 2.5km river swim I did between rounds 14 and 15 of Chemo and talk about how you FEEL is more important than what you DO ..... and how our minds are conditioned to a certain way of competitive thinking that can cause unnecessary negative emotions. I believe the biggest success is FEELING JOYOUS no matter what!

I visualised packing my cancer into a suitcase and sending it on its merry way .... please note this is not a suggested treatment!..... It's a complimentary practice to minimise the cancer in your minds eye, visualise it going away and this may help to increase feelings of positivity and emotional well-being which can have beneficial systemic effects on the body and mind.


A reflection on how we are conditioned to rush to the destination; however, what happens when you slow down, create space, drop the fear and let life come to with a sense of curiosity and spontaneity ...... maybe you can even ENJOY the journey, it is possible!

Clare reflects on a common source of human suffering ..... and the art of 'not comparing'. When you can truly meet yourself where you are at in any given moment, self acceptance arises, you feel more at ease with who you are and less dependant on what anyone else thinks of you ..... and this can be liberating, empowering and transformational.


I reflect on the Euro 2021 final, where England lost to Italy ..... and how and why I felt completely joyous even though 'we lost'!